20 Things Every Twenty-Something Should Be Able To Do!

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Looking to the future with your kids, how many of these things do you think they can handle now?

Is there anything missing on the list you’d like to add?

1. Make a great breakfast
2. Argue kindly
3. Hold a conversation with someone of any age
4. Parallel park
5. Defend your media choices
6. Limit your online life
7. Approach a stranger
8. Stand up for yourself
9. Say “I was wrong”
10. Brew a great cup of coffee or tea
11. Tip generously
12. Maintain a mentor
13. Bite your tongue
14. Stay well rested
15. Respond to criticism
16. Write a cover letter
17. Be alone
18. Recommend a book, movie or album
19. Prioritize the important over the urgent
20. Hold on to a good friend

(source: Tyler Huckabee / Relevant)

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